Independent Security Services, Inc.

Random Patrol

Random Patrol

What is Random Patrol?

Random Patrol is one of our most common services. The random patrol program allows ours clients to control costs by selecting the days and nights when they wish to have our oficers make random checks of their property. All of our officers are experienced, licensed and insured. Patrols are made in an ISS marked patrol vehicle and work to deter, and possibly catch criminals to protect your property from theft and vandalism. Current clients who make use of our random patrol have noticed a significant decrease in theft and vandalism. ...Testimonials

For a free survey and estimate,
or if you have any questions.

Why Random Patrol?

  • Have security vehicles patrol your property.
  • Deter or catch criminals.
  • Reduce theft and vandalism on your property.

Who Patrols?

Our patrol offiecers are all experienced, licensed, and insured. Check out a full bio of our patrol officers on our staff page.

More Details

The random patrol checks are made by our ISS agents by checking in at various check-points located around the property. Computer printouts are provided regularly (typically on a monthly basis) to show when the checks were made. The cost of this service is determined by the amount of the times and days the random checks are made. The amount of random checks is worked around your budget.

Group Discounts are available for businesses located within a 5 mile area of each each other.

For a free survey and estimate.